Friday, March 27, 2009

The blessing of FAMILY...

So, it's been a couple of days since I've posted. I have recently returned from my 2 day getaway to Orlando with the twins.  It was my cousin's wedding and a family get together, of sorts.  As you can see from my last post, I was coming unraveled right up until departure time...last minute packing,getting the twins dressed at 3:00 a.m., switching SUV's with my husband, making sure all the mapquest directions were in place, y'know the usual trip stuff. I am very meticulous with planning and organization when it comes time to go on a trip, so I was in SUPERMOM-OVERDRIVE!! I finally got on the road to the "START" point of our road trip where I met up with my sisters, their kids, and the 'rents. Thank goodness my sis volunteered to drive, so I could get some much needed rest.  So, our journey begins...and much to my surprise it wasn't bad! The twins were ANGELS & there was plenty of laughter and a case of the sillies from my sis and me...

We arrived (in one piece) and got settled into our room.  All four of the Lewis girls, my sister's hubby, their 3 kiddos, and my twins all stayed in a room with 2 double beds. I know it was cramped, but it was fun (no one wanted to stay with parentals).  We had never been on a family vacation before, so we were making the most of our 
time.  All of my cousins and aunts and uncles were there. I t was soooo good to see everyone! The first night was the rehearsal dinner and of course, u syoung bucks closed the party out! And, just when everyone in our room had crawled into their sleeping space, there was a knock at the door. It was my cuzzo telling us to get up and come hang out. So, three of us Lewis girls got up to see what the night was gonna hold.  Well, hours of hanging out in the grooms room talkin' (my other cuzzo), getting hungry all of a sudden and going to steak and shake in our PJ'S, then
 hangin' out in the car talking some more, and ending the night with knocking and running on family member's hotel doors...we ended the night at 4:40 a.
m.. All to wake up to all of our children around 6:30! UGHH! The day commenced with shopping and then the wedding later on that afternoon. It was so good just being with each other laughing, sharing old memories, and making new ones...
The evening came to an end way too fast. I was the first to leave since Sunday was my anniversary *7 years strong* and had to be back on the road to see my hunny! SO, my trip home started in the early morning hours on Sunday.  I had a smile plastered on my face the entire drive home. I had to acknowledge how good God is for allowing me to experience a love like family. Some people only dream of what I have...I was just thankful, so thankful. Well, I finally got home and was bombarded with tons of kisses from my kiddos (who stayed behind) and ,of course, my hunny. But, when I sat down to the computer there was a message from EVERY cuzzo, aunt,and uncle that I had just seen, not even 12 hours previous.  I was overwhelmed with emotion...They all must've felt the joy of just being together, as I had this last weekend. SO, hug and kiss your kids, pick up a pen and write your brother and sisters, call your parents, cousins, aunts, and uncles...and let them know you love them. Don't let another moment pass you sharing the blessing of family!

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